As a Training Designer in my new position. Our jobs are reliant on Articulate 360. Primarily Storyline 360. All of the training module and computer-based training is created using Storyline 360. We just spent 4 days going through training for Articulate 360 with Yukon Learning. 3 of the 4 days was spent going over all things Storyline 360. It was a great experience and I learned some tips that have basically changed my life by speed up my dev's by 25% at least. Here are a few tips learned from the training.
Cue Points - so I've seen this while working on projects in the past but little did I know how helpful this could be when you're trying to time animations and actions. This saved a lot of time when trying to move the timeline items together and playing back audio to make sure that things are matched up. All you have to do is tap the "c" key to make the cue points while the slide is playing! You can also align by cue point and set triggers by the cue points.. I could have saved so much time in the past :)

Ctrl + D - Ok, this might be a more universal and can be used in many programs but ctrl + D quickly duplicate anything in Storyline, including slides and scenes. Another quick tip to save some time.

Slide Masters - With this feature, which is also common in Powerpoint. You can easily make changes to the master slide template instead of going into every similar slide of the template. This is yet another lifesaver and time saver.

Now, even though 75% of the training was spent working in Storyline, I did learn another trick in which I used for the artifacts for the course build assignments. When using Articulate Rise you can embed Storyline within the interactive section (not really a trick). It was helpful in the case where the built-in features for Rise were not quite enough for what I wanted to do with a certain exercise.
Overall, I really enjoyed the training and I learned a few things along with learning how to do a few things better. It's to create more modules now!
Here is one of the artifacts created below based on the introduction to Visual Analytics.